Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Where am I at?

My plan, my hope, is to be both back in my studio and workshop creating whimsical characters from wood and to also finish and publish my first coloring book for adults before the end of this month, October. I tend to think I can do more than I actually can...today is a prime example...but I've finally gotten a clue as to why I'm such a procrastinator and have very little follow through. I'm a great planner but sticking to that plan is hard for me. But, I am making progress and I'm trying to put blinders on to prevent distraction. I'm not sure whether I need to be staring at the big picture, as in the whole forest, or if I should be examining each individual tree. I'm thinking, I should take a chain saw and demolish it all! So, in the end, I am making progress, I do have a plan and I'm kind of sticking to it. I don't always get everything on my list done but I am at least getting something done every day. Instead of boring you with the process, I will post photos and video of my studio once it is done. I will try to post several coloring book pages as I go. The "PLAN" is to get back to work on the illustrations for the coloring book next week. I will try to work on the coloring book during the week and my studio on the weekends. If all goes well.....or at least somewhat smoothly, ha...., the book will be published somewhere around the 26th. I hope to be at work on my first wood pieces by October 30th at the latest. And I'm thinking, the sign from the last piece isn't exactly sculpture but it might be one of the first pieces I complete and offer on my website, completely personalized for the buyer of course. I'll also offer a few Halloween pieces even though Halloween will probably be a memory by the time I post them. I just have several customers that I've been promising witches, those wicked ladies, for a coon's age (have no idea how long that actually is but I've always believed it to be a very, very long time.) Then there will be animals....most likely horses of courses first....and Santas to kick off the Christmas holiday season. My plan is to do very intricate and detailed pieces that have their own, unique story to tell but I will try to cover lower cost points as well. So, that's all of the news for now. I will keep you all updated as progress is made and, fingers crossed X, deadlines met.